Amarillo Airship Agency

Perilous Paros!!

The largest continent in the world is home to a diverse range of cultures and biomes to confound and amaze you. The Great Rampart mountains conveniently divide Paros into three easier to digest super regions.

Divitaera (The Eastern Region)

Home to some impressive industrial cities as well as many smaller, more idyllic communities. This region is primarily inhabited by dwarves, elves, halflings, and gnomes.

Silvanenum (The Western Region)

Covered by a thick tree canopy and largely uncharted, the western region is a tantalizing destination for any true adventurer.

Incosolum (The Southern Region)

This area is beset by more planar rifts than anywhere else in the world. This has given the southern region an almost incomprehensibly unique makeup of otherworldly creatures and cultures.

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